

Curriculum Vitae


 Personal details

Name: Mohsen Naziri Asl

Married with two children

Nationality: Iranian

Date of Birth: 11.8.1961

Place of Birth: Tehran –Iran


Academic Background

 - PHD in International law, University of Shahid Beheshti, Tehran, 2013,

 - Adjunct Professor, different universities in Tehran, 2011-2012,

 - M.A in Diplomacy and International Organizations, School of International Relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1996,

 - M.A in International law, Islamic Azad  University, Tehran Central branch 1996,


 (Parts of) Professional Experience:

 - As of August 2022, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Vienna,

 - Advisor to the Foreign Minister, Tehran, 2021-2022,

 - Secretary of National Authority for CWC and other chemical cconventions (BRS, Minamata and SAICM), MFA, Tehran, 2019 –2022

 - Advisor to the Deputy Foreign Minister in Charge of Legal and International Affairs, MFA, Tehran, May 2018 – 2019,

 - Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations Office in Geneva, May 2013 - April 2018,

 - President of the Conference on Disarmament, May - June 2013,

 - Chair of Non-Aligned Movement Chapter in Geneva, 2013 - 2016,

 - Deputy Director-General, Political &International Affairs, MFA, Tehran 2011-2012,


 (Parts of) Publications and Papers:

 - "Nuclear Weapons and its role in International Security" (Thesis for B.A in Farsi), The School of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1993,

 - "Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, Organizational Issues & Verification mechanisms" (Thesis for M.A in Farsi), The Faculty of Law, Islamic Azad University, 1996,

 - "Legality of the Use or Threat to Use of Nuclear Weapons in Armed Conflicts, analysis of the ICJ advisory opinion", (Thesis for M.A in Farsi), the school of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1993

 - "Prevention of arms race in outer space" (An essay for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Farsi), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1995,

 - "International law of Arms Control and Disarmament" (An essay for the Ministrz of Foreign Affairs in Farsi), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1998,

 - Numerous academic papers and researches on Human Rights, Proliferations Security Initiative (PSI), Law of the Sea, Responsibility of International Organizations with regard  to  the  breach  of obligations committed by the Staff, Law of the Conflict, etc.

 - The Effects and validity of the United Nations Security Council Resolutions in the field of Non-proliferation, Ph.D. Thesis in International  Law, 2013.



 Persian/ Farsi: Native

Turkish: Fluent

English: working language

German: Good command of communication, reading and writing

Arabic: Reading and writing

French: basic