6 March 2025
2022/09/26 - 15:07 View: 460

Statement by H. E. Mohammad Eslami Vice President of Iran

Statement by H. E. Mohammad Eslami Vice President of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran at the 66th General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency Vienna, 26 September 2022

Statement by H.E. Mr Mohammad Eslami at the 66th General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency

H.E Mr. Mohammad Eslami, head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran delivered his statement at the 66th General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency. He addressed various issues such as the inalienable right of member states to access peaceful nuclear energy, the prospects of Iran's peaceful nuclear program, JCPOA and  of violation of  this agreement by the US and the failure of the EU/E3 to fulfill their obligation role of the Agency in supporting and helping countries, and. The full text is as follows.

In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful

 Mr.President, Director-General, Excellencies,

Ladies and Gentlemen,


At the outset, I would like to congratulate you, Mr. President, on your assumption of the presidency of this conference. I would also like to assure you of my delegation’s support and cooperation.

The development plans of the Islamic Republic of Iran are aimed at ensuring a sustained progress along with promotion of justice, to achieve sustainable development. In this regard, “The Comprehensive Strategic Document of the Nuclear Industry in Vision of 2040” has been approved at the national level and has been placed on the agenda of work of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran. According to this policy document, the share of nuclear electricity should increase to minimum 20% of the country's total electricity generation; in this respect, a plan has been foreseen for creating a new capacity of 10,000MW of nuclear electricity for the next 10 years.

This document also addresses production development and application of radioisotopes, vast utilization of radiation in health, agriculture, environment and industry. In this regard, the Islamic Republic of Iran welcomes the initiative of “Rays of Hope”, which is the top theme of the Scientific Forum for 2022.

The Agency, to achieve the global goal to zero carbon emission by 2050, shoulders special responsibility. Fortunately, the Director General has highlighted the importance of this issue in the various international fora, including the 26th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, held in Glasgow as well as during the 10th NPT Review Conference recently held in New York.


Mr. President,


I would like to take this opportunity to make some clarifications on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) as a deal. The JCPOA was the outcome of a collective effort which consists of a delicate balance of reciprocal commitments and responsibilities: Iran limits its nuclear enrichment activities, reduces its capacity, slows its momentum, and accepts a robust verification system for a specified period of time, and in return, the illegal cruel sanctions and the relevant obstacles on the way of Iran’s international economic, commercial and financial cooperation and interactions should be removed. Furthermore, the JCPOA, amongst others as a confidence building tool, shall prevent baseless allegations against peaceful nuclear program and activities of Iran.

The United States, against the will of the international community, violated provisions of the JCPOA and United Nations Security Council resolutions 2231, withdrew from the deal and resorted to infamous “Maximum Pressure Policy” which was confessed to have been failed.

However, after two and a half years of continuing proliferation of economic sanctions against different sectors of Iran’s economy by the US and lack of practical remedies by E3/EU inaction, Iran’s Parliament enacted a bill entitled “Strategic Action Plan to Remove Sanctions and Protect the Interests of the Iranian Nation” which determined, inter alia, certain actions for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran.

As it has been stated on various occasions, the Islamic Republic of Iran still adheres to the 2015 deal. Iran's remedial measures have been taken in response to the violation of the obligations of the other side. If the other parties return to their obligations by removing all obstacles as well as sanctions, the continuation of Iran’s remedial measures would be ceased pending legal permission and authorization from the Parliament.

 Mr. President,

               The Islamic Republic of Iran as a responsible member of the IAEA has always rendered its support to the full and non-discriminatory implementation of the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Treaty (NPT) and its Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement (CSA). Iran has an exemplary record of cooperation with the Agency in this regard.

I would like to clarify that there are no undeclared nuclear materials and activities in Iran; all allegations are merely based on false and fabricated information provided by the occupier Israeli regime. The Islamic Republic of Iran truly expects the Agency to provide its reports on verification activities in a more professional, impartial and independent manner.

 Mr. President,

                It is highly expected that the Agency preserves its integrity and credibility not to allow certain elements to raise, under different guises, old allegations which were closed in 2015. We believe that the Agency must refrain from relying on baseless information from unreliable sources. In this vein, the Agency shall maintain its independence, impartiality and professionalism and to play a constructive role.

Let me also draw your attention to the dangerous consequences of the acts of sabotage by the Israeli regime against Iran`s peaceful nuclear facilities and assassination of Iranian scientists. These malicious acts not only aim to devastate nuclear industry of Iran, but also to undermine any possible political solution. These desperate and criminal actions by the Israeli regime must have been met with firm response from the Agency. This regime by exerting political pressure on the U.S. Administration forced the U.S. government to withdraw from the JCPOA-- A great mistake, confessed by the U.S.

Mr. President,


To conclude, I would like to emphasize that the Islamic republic of Iran has always cooperated fully with the Agency in order to maintain its continuity of knowledge regarding Iran’s peaceful nuclear activities. The Joint Statement  between the IAEA and the AEOI, on 05 March 2022 is a clear example of this cooperation. As mentioned above, Iran's current remedial measures, including in connection with the surveillance equipment beyond the CSA and the robust verification system would be reversed only and when the illegitimate sanctions are lifted and baseless allegations about Iranian peaceful nuclear program are removed. As always we remain ready for constructive dialogue and engagement.


I thank you Mr. President.

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