5 March 2025
2023/10/19 - 19:17 View: 231

Letter of Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the UN Office and International Organizations in Vienna

Letter of Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations Office and International Organizations in Vienna dated 17 October 2023 to all Permanent Missions and Embassies in Vienna regarding the continued horrific carnage and the abhorrent crimes against humanity perpetrated by the Israeli regime in the Gaza

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Dear Excellency,

I'm writing to you in response to a letter sent via email dated 13 October 2023, by Israeli regime Ambassadors to all Permanents Missions, Embassies and International Organizations in Vienna.

I wish to draw your attention to the continued horrific carnage and the abhorrent crimes against humanity perpetrated by the Israeli regime in the Gaza Strip these days, as a result of which hundreds of innocent children, women and men have been so far massacred.

The Israeli atrocities in Gaza are continuing unabated and have further pushed the curtain of deception from the criminal face of the Israeli regime. The international community is yet again witnessing unprecedented terrorist and criminal acts committed by the Israeli regime, in full impunity, against the innocent Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, in violation of the most basic Principles of Charter of the United Nations, international law and international humanitarian law.

What is happening in Gaza now is by all indications a clear example of crimes against humanity, war crime and genocide by the Israeli regime and shall be seriously and urgently dealt with by the relevant international judicial forums. The Israeli regime is targeting every human being, every house and every infrastructure in Gaza. Mosques, hospitals, medicine and food stores and even private houses of the people are callously bombarded and women, men and children are slaughtered in their beds, in their homes and everywhere on the streets.

Needless to say that it is almost for 75 years that the Palestinian people have been victims of the Israeli regime's unrelenting aggression, violence, racial discrimination and apartheid policies. Israeli regime flagrant violations of peremptory norms of international law, including the unequivocal prohibition of acquiring territory through force, the inherent right to self-determination, and the prohibition on racial discrimination and apartheid, stand as blatant evidence of such occupation.

In the past seven decades, the international community has been witnessing various acts of war crimes and crimes against humanity that this regime has mercilessly committed against others, especially the Palestinians. Regrettably, the impunity with which the said regime has been given by some known countries, self claimed of guardian of human rights instruments, to carry out its crimes thus far has emboldened it to continue and even increase its blatant defiance of the most basic and fundamental principles of international law and the Charter of the United Nations. This has led to conclude that they are abetting and aiding commission of such heinous crimes thus being accomplice to that criminal with its dark record.

Considering the very long and black history of the Zionist regime in committing the most heinous and severe international atrocities against the Palestinians, from the Deir Yassin and Sabra and Shatila massacres to the 2008 and 2014 wars in Gaza, and taking into account the complacent silence and even explicit support by some western countries for the blind bombardments of residential areas in Gaza, which has so far killed hundreds of innocent people, including women and children and also bearing in mind the inhumane actions and the obvious threats of the Israeli authorities in recent days; including cutting off the access of the people of Gaza to "food, water, fuel and electricity".

While note with serious concern the occurrence of a major humanitarian disaster in Gaza, we strongly call upon supporters of that regime to abide by international obligations and take clear stance and vigorous actions against the ongoing daily brutalities of the Israeli regime against innocent people of Palestine.



The continued desecration of the Islamic holy places and the first Qibla of Muslims by the extremist and racist settlers in recent months, on the one hand, and the continuation of the Zionist regime's policy of killing and crimes and aggression against the people of Palestine, especially women, children and prisoners, on the other hand, are the root cause of the current situation.

The silence and inaction of the international community have left no other option for the Palestinians other than to resist and rely on their own inherent strength to put an end to the Israeli occupation and prevent more international crimes against Palestinians.

Al Aqsa Storm operation is a spontaneous independent move by the resistance groups and the Palestinian nation in defense of their inherent rights. The Palestinian actions are a legitimate defense against the seven decades of oppressive occupation and atrocious crimes of the illegitimate Israeli regime. In this regard, the decisions and measures taken by Palestine's resistance are firmly rooted in the fundamental principle of self-determination, representing a completely legitimate response to more than seven decades of oppressive occupation and the numerous atrocities committed by this regime.

While recognizing the inherent right of self-defense for all Palestinians against the brutalities and heinous crimes of the Israeli regime under international law, the Islamic Republic of Iran remains steadfast in its belief that the question of Palestine can only be resolved by ending the occupation, recognizing the inalienable rights of self-determination of the Palestinian people and through holding a national referendum with the participation of all Palestinian people, which requires the full restoration and protection of these rights, leading to the establishment of Palestinian sovereignty over entire Palestine.

The Islamic Republic of Iran stands firmly behind the aspirations of the Palestinian people and supports the efforts of resistance groups and oppressed Palestinians in their unwavering pursuit of their inherent and indisputable rights against occupation and aggression. This support is fully consistent with international law and the UN Charter, including the principle of the right to self-determination.

The horrifying brutal attacks against the Palestinians now continues to compromise life of thousands innocent people. For these atrocities and escalations of violence against Palestinians, an urgent and appropriate collective action is requird by the international community aimed at ceasing further brutalities by this regime and holding the occupying regime and its supporters accountable.

Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.



                                                                                 Mohsen Naziri Asl

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